+91 9928516785
Car Rental Udaipur

Udaipur Vehicle Tariff :

Metro Car aim to provide best, affordable Udaipur taxi rates / Fare, For easy to check detail we divide fare in below category . With wide range of young well maintained fleet and experience driver who have complete knowledge of Udaipur city and nearby area

Outstation Fare

We mentioned here fare for Outstation rental fare for vehicle outstation city use

Car Name Out Station
  01 Day - 300 Km. D.A.
Tata Indigo 2550 150
Toyota Etios / Swift Dzire 2700 150
Toyota Innova AC 3300 200
Honda City 4500 250
Toyota Corolla Altis 6250 350
Toyota Fortuner 9500 350
Mercedes E Class 13750 500
Mercedes S Class 28750 500
Tempo Traveller 10 Seater + 1 Sofa 45000 400

Local Fare

We mentioned fare for Local half day (4 hr 40 KM) and full day (8 hr 80 KM) local city rental fare for vehicle In city use

Car Name City Tour
  Half Day Full Day
Tata Indigo 1200 1500
Toyota Etios / Swift Dzire 1300 1600
Toyota Innova AC 1500 2200
Honda City 1800 2600
Toyota Corolla Altis 1500 3400
Toyota Fortuner 5500 7000
Mercedes E Class 8000 13000
Mercedes S Class 11000 24000
Tempo Traveller 10 Seater + 1 Sofa 2200 3500

Udaipur Airport / Railway station Pickup and Drop Charges
Car Name One Way Within City
  Airport Railway Station
Tata Indigo 800 500
Toyota Etios / Swift Dzire 800 500
Toyota Innova AC 900 600
Honda City On Request On Request
Toyota Corolla Altis On Request On Request
Toyota Fortuner On Request On Request
Mercedes E Class On Request On Request
Mercedes S Class On Request On Request
Tempo Traveller 10 Seater + 1 Sofa On Request On Request
Extra Charges ( If vehicle use more than 8 Hr and KM more than 80 KM)
Car Name Extra Use
  01 Hour / 10 kms Extra Km
Tata Indigo 185 10
Toyota Etios / Swift Dzire 195 10
Toyota Innova AC 225 14
Honda City 285 20
Toyota Corolla Altis 350 30
Toyota Fortuner 775 40
Mercedes E Class 1800 60
Mercedes S Class 3600 125
Tempo Traveller 10 Seater + 1 Sofa 400 20

Important Note For Traveler:

  1. Vehicle Km and time calculate from our garage to garage
  2. One day mean 12 hrs a day
  3. Vehicle will move only on movable, safe road and Air /C will not work on hill areas or stopped during vehicle parked
  4. Fare will charge 20% extra during Holi, Durga Puja, Diwali , New year.
  5. Rate may change as per change in fuel price
  6. Toll, Parking and state tax charge will be extra, if applicable on any route paid by traveler
